Thursday, August 9, 2007

Updates to come...drivel or anti-drivel, depending on your perspective

For anyone who cares to pay attention (and I know there's GOT to be someone out there) I'm going to make use of the ability to mobile-blog by posting up quick-hits when I see/eat/hear/taste/touch something i enjoy and think others might as well. All you'll need to do to experience this multi-sensory mini-update is throw this blog in your reader/feed machine and VOILA! instant vicarious living.

Recognizing that nobodys' life (especially and including mine) is really all THAT interesting and the only real reason to subscribe to this feed would be to satisfiy that modern need for a temporary, mildly entertaining and possibly educational distraction, I'm going to keep things pretty short. what is it, where is it, was it good, should you try it? that kind of thing.

Stay tuned....

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