Friday, August 17, 2007

2001 Falesco Montiano Lazio

Italian merlot. Inky dark like midnight. Light barely passes throug it. Nose relatively light and doesn't belie the hugeness to follow. HUGE wine. 30 second finish. Massive fruit (esp dark cherries), earth, leather, perhaps cocoa? tannins remain firm. Does NOT mess around. Could possibly have used another year or two to soften up or an additional hour or two of air (had 45 minutes before we started in on it; it did start to really get nice after it'd been open for a couple hours). Awesome.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Video from Paragliding

I know how to do a lot of things but embedding a youtube video here isn't one of them. But you can see the video by clicking this link right here

Lunch in lionshead

Ah what comfort, a french deli just minutes by foot from our hotel in vail. I had a pate sandwich - that's right; pate, dijon mustard, onions and cornichons with lettuce and tomato on french bread. The pate was firm, country style (not mousse) and wonderful. Along with the liver sausage I had in Munich this is going to be one of my more odd cravings when I'm back home.

I'm alive!

Paragliding is amazing and not at all scary... Highly recommended 970.845.7321

There is no chance something could go wrong....i think....

The edge...

I'm about to embark on a paragliding adventure over this ridge! More to follow ...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

2003 Ch. Mont redon Chateauneuf du Pape

A little split from the southern rhone; 2 glasses of extracted, pure and ripe juice. Really enjoyed this wine; was already drinking nicely after a little aeration; ripe tannins which need to soften a little bit bode for a good future ahead. Have 1 more bottle on the rack and doubt I'll wait long enough to find out. Have plenty of other CDPs on the rack for that. :)

I got crabs...

My friend Charlie flew in Maryland blue crabs for a feast last weekend. This is my burial mound. The last remnants of 17 tasty morsels.

1999 Dry Creek Vineyard Cab Sauv

bought this a year or so ago; bought 2 bottles and apparently had the other one without noticing at some point. In any event this wine was lovely; needed 45 minutes or so to come around but exploded out of the glass with ripe cassis and blackberry notes; included some leather and vanilla on the palate with a silky texture and medium to long finish. fresh and pure. lovely - wish I had more...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Updates to come...drivel or anti-drivel, depending on your perspective

For anyone who cares to pay attention (and I know there's GOT to be someone out there) I'm going to make use of the ability to mobile-blog by posting up quick-hits when I see/eat/hear/taste/touch something i enjoy and think others might as well. All you'll need to do to experience this multi-sensory mini-update is throw this blog in your reader/feed machine and VOILA! instant vicarious living.

Recognizing that nobodys' life (especially and including mine) is really all THAT interesting and the only real reason to subscribe to this feed would be to satisfiy that modern need for a temporary, mildly entertaining and possibly educational distraction, I'm going to keep things pretty short. what is it, where is it, was it good, should you try it? that kind of thing.

Stay tuned....