Alaska Air, that's who. Flight delays on the way here cost us 4 hours of sitting in Seattle, but that's a picnic compared to what we're dealing with now.
Original Plan: wake up at 5:45AM, drive to Anchorage, return car, 11:15AM flight through Seattle, get into Denver at 9PM.
New Plan: wake up at 5:45AM, drive to Anchorage, return car, discover flight delayed 1hr 40min; realize we will miss our connection to Denver, spend almost 2 hours trying anything, on any airline, through anywhere, to get to Denver tonight, settle for the best option - midnight flight that gets in at 710AM tomorrow. :-O
At least its a non stop but that's the best thing you can say about it. In the meantime we're killing 10 or 11 hours at the palatial Upper One faux-sports-bar in Terminal A. Whoo Hoo. Good thing we had such an amazing trip or I'd probably be pretty cranky.
Original Plan: wake up at 5:45AM, drive to Anchorage, return car, 11:15AM flight through Seattle, get into Denver at 9PM.
New Plan: wake up at 5:45AM, drive to Anchorage, return car, discover flight delayed 1hr 40min; realize we will miss our connection to Denver, spend almost 2 hours trying anything, on any airline, through anywhere, to get to Denver tonight, settle for the best option - midnight flight that gets in at 710AM tomorrow. :-O
At least its a non stop but that's the best thing you can say about it. In the meantime we're killing 10 or 11 hours at the palatial Upper One faux-sports-bar in Terminal A. Whoo Hoo. Good thing we had such an amazing trip or I'd probably be pretty cranky.

Coming soon: At least the lounge had the jukebox!
Yeah although why didn't they have it play at random when money wasn't in it? After $10 to hear music I realized "hey this is why I bought an iPod!"
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