Friday, August 29, 2008

Last night

It's hard to put into words what it was like in the stadium last night. the TV broadcast did a pretty good job showing the grandeur of the production - I've never seen so many spotlights in my life - but all the trappings were eclipsed by the sense of history being made. Seeing a black man standing on the podium accepting the nomination for president, and with a real chance at winning, made me believe maybe America CAN move past our human failings of the past and CAN continue to be a beacon of hope for the world and CAN solve any problem that is before us. Life can be pretty overwhelming and the thought of what lies ahead can be daunting but I love the message of dreaming big and finding a way - America is a place where anything is possible with hope, faith and hard work.

There were literally waves of energy rolling through the crowd all night. It was truly incredible.

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