click on this link right here and then download the zip file on that page. It should be a little down arrow on the right of the filename. email me if you have problems - PLEASE NOTE if you move the tracks into your itunes library after downloading, I recommend the following:
1) create a new playlist in itunes
2) move the files from the zip files into your playlist
3) the always-helpful DJ Bones tagged them so they should stay in the correct order, but do you and me both a favor - open the text file included in the zip file, to be sure before listening or burning. they're in the order they're in for a reason so please take a second to make sure they stay that way. trust me you'll enjoy it more if you listen to them this way, or at least I think you will so humor me. please. :)
A quick comment follows each song below, if you're interested. Overall it seemed like I was listening to a lot more rock this year, especially blues/country influenced, and more mellow/folky stuff too (although that's not really represented in this mix as much as the rock stuff). lots and lots of 80's influences this year too, with Prince showing up left right and center in other people's sounds. and hand claps - hand claps were EVERYWHERE this year. I honestly think I could have made an entire cd out of songs I liked that hand hand claps in them.
without further ado....
dj joey b
record party
december 2008
01. awesome color - come and dance
Great sound, these guys. like a garage rolling stones.
02. the black keys - strange times
the review of their 'rubber factory' cd on emusic starts "What hath the White Stripes wrought?" We saw them open for My Morning Jacket at red rocks this summer; great show. Song is ridiculously catchy.
03. people under the stairs - up yo spine (fishbucket pt.3)
Was listening to XM43 one random night this summer, and happened to catch these guys as guests on DOCs' underground hip hop show, and fell in love with their sound. 'Acid Raindrops' off their O.S.T album was actually what I remember hearing, and I like that album better overall than Fun DMC which this appears on, but this track is super catchy, like an indie hip hop version of a Will Smith joint or something.
04. vampire weekend - oxford comma
Anything to say about VW has been said 100x already so I won't really bother. Other than to say I wish this album had come out in the summer rather than January. I also like how somehow the profanity in the first line doesn't feel that profane when sung by Mass. preppies. Great tune. Points for rhyming Comma with Dharamshala.
05. dirty on purpose - audience in the room
Technically came out November 2007 but we'll let it slide. Shoegaze makes me happy. Been a big fan of these guys for a few years now and psyched to finally get one of their tracks on a mix. If you like their sound check out 'Kill our City." yummy.
06. the raveonettes - young and beautiful
I actually had 'Blush' from their Lust Lust Lust CD (one of the best CDs this year IMO) in this slot but then their 'Beauty Dies' EP came out and this track took its place. Probably because I'd listened to Lust x 3 about 100 times this year.
07. MGMT - time to pretend
This track OWNS. These guys were at the hi-dive one night this year, with YeaSayer opening, which was who I really wanted to see, for like 10 bucks, and I missed seeing them becuase I had an early flight to LA for work the next day. Now I'm laid off and I didn't see that show. The lesson here is, don't miss Yeasayer and MGMT for 10 dollars because you never know.
08. ra ra riot - can you tell
Love their sound; like Vampire Weekends slightly less clean cut friends. Maybe the Rolling Stones to VW's Beatles. Maybe I'm over thinking this. Great album.
09. the lonelyhearts - harlequin bands
One of a few tracks that made it on here at the last minute when I stumbled across a few albums on emusic that I fell in love with. The guitar in this track sounds like Eagle Eye Cherry's 'Save Tonight' with the guy from Tragically Hip singing over it (note: I later realized I meant to say They Might be Giants but I think Tragically Hip works here too), which should bug the hell out me but doesn't. This track gets stuck in my head for days.
10. sam champion - jealous shakes
Same as above; stumbled on it at the last minute. I like this album a lot. a rocker.
11. the knux - F!RE (put it in the air)
Holy out of nowhere; these guys came out of obscurity recently to start showing up on everyone's best albums of 2008 list. This is one of the more straightforward tracks on the album. Definitely recommend checking them out. hip hop rock electro dance stuff.
12. the hold steady - both crosses
Passed on these guys for years because I wasn't going to let myself like the 'springsteen' sound that these guys get press for. My mistake, these guys kick ass. I love everything about this song and Stay Positive (the album it appears on). I picked up like 2 more of their albums after hearing Stay Positive. If you like them then definitely check out The Gaslight Anthem's album too (The 59 sound)
13. fleet foxes - your protector
Another band out of nowhere this year and just blowing up; singer & songwriter is 22 years old with no formal music training. This album is required listening.
14. the fireman - dance 'til we're high
Paul McCartney side project - who knew? Not me. After the enormously disappointing 'Memory almost Full' last year I purposely ignored this for a while, to my own detriment. This album is freaking good; real freaking good. I had like 4 other tracks I was considering for this cd off of it. Check it out.
15. eagles of death metal - (i used to couldn't dance) tight pants
It's impossible not to like this band and this song. WHOO! CHECK IT! TIGHT PANTS - HUH!!!
16. kings of leon - crawl
Nice to see these guys exploding in the US finally after so many years, except it meant that they sold out the Fillmore and we couldn't get tickets to see them day of show. booooooooooooooooooooooooo. They bite Zep pretty hard on this track but that's OK because they do it so perfectly.
17. my morning jacket - i'm amazed
The show at red rocks this year was one of the 2 or 3 best shows I've seen in my life. They played for almost 3 full hours; this was one of many highlights. Good old fashioned beer-swillin yet contemplative southern rock n' roll.
18. frightened rabbit - the twist
Another album I had like 6 tracks picked out for and had a real hard time choosing. So much despondence and pain on this album but so hopeful and beautiful too. I also missed seeing these guys (with Oxford Collapse) at hi dive due to a flight the next morning to LA. gahhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh
19. TV on the radio - halfway home
Dear Science is my #1 album this year by a MILE. This track is 5 minutes of absolute gorgeous madness. When the synths come in during the chorus.....It's almost exhausting to listen to. You've been warned.
20. white denim - you can't say
I like these guys a lot. Most of their stuff is a lot harder than this, but there's plenty of rock on this CD.
there should be something on here for everyone; the only person I expect to like everything is me. I hope it does the trick for you!
Happy Holidays everyone!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I think it's done
Just as I thought, it went through several iterations before it got to this point. I thought it was done and then had to cut two tracks out to make it fit on an audio CD (sorry Ladyhawke and The Jealous happens).
I think this is the final list. I don't usually do a full commentary about each track but maybe this year will be different. Since I have time on my hands and all.
01. awesome color - come and dance
02. the black keys - strange times
03. people under the stairs - up yo spine (fishbucket pt.3)
04. vampire weekend - oxford comma
05. dirty on purpose - audience in the room
06. the raveonettes - young and beautiful
07. MGMT - time to pretend
08. ra ra riot - can you tell
09. the lonelyhearts - harlequin bands
10. sam champion - jealous shakes
11. the knux - F!RE (put it in the air)
12. the hold steady - both crosses
13. fleet foxes - your protector
14. eagles of death metal - (i used to couldn't dance) tight pants
15. kings of leon - crawl
16. the fireman - dance 'til we're high
17. my morning jacket - i'm amazed
18. frightened rabbit - the twist
19. TV on the radio - halfway home
20. white denim - you can't say
I think this is the final list. I don't usually do a full commentary about each track but maybe this year will be different. Since I have time on my hands and all.
01. awesome color - come and dance
02. the black keys - strange times
03. people under the stairs - up yo spine (fishbucket pt.3)
04. vampire weekend - oxford comma
05. dirty on purpose - audience in the room
06. the raveonettes - young and beautiful
07. MGMT - time to pretend
08. ra ra riot - can you tell
09. the lonelyhearts - harlequin bands
10. sam champion - jealous shakes
11. the knux - F!RE (put it in the air)
12. the hold steady - both crosses
13. fleet foxes - your protector
14. eagles of death metal - (i used to couldn't dance) tight pants
15. kings of leon - crawl
16. the fireman - dance 'til we're high
17. my morning jacket - i'm amazed
18. frightened rabbit - the twist
19. TV on the radio - halfway home
20. white denim - you can't say
Thursday, December 11, 2008
2008 is almost over...
And that means it's time for another 'best of' compilation. Here's the working tracklist....It's already gone through one round of revisions and probably will see at least another before the end of the year.
01. awesome color - come and dance
02. santogold - L.E.S. artistes
03. the black keys - strange times
04. people under the stairs - up yo spine (fishbucket pt.3)
05. vampire weekend - oxford comma
06. TV on the radio - golden age
07. dirty on purpose - audience in the room
08. the raveonettes - blush
09. MGMT - time to pretend
10. adele - make you feel my love
11. ra ra riot - can you tell
12. the jealous girlfriends - i quit
13. eagles of death metal - (i used to couldn't dance) tight pants
14. the knux - F!RE (put it in the air)
15. the hold steady - both crosses
16. kings of leon - crawl
17. fleet foxes - your protector
18. okkervil river - lost coastlines
19. my morning jacket - i'm amazed
20. frightened rabbit - the twist
21. TV on the radio - halfway home
01. awesome color - come and dance
02. santogold - L.E.S. artistes
03. the black keys - strange times
04. people under the stairs - up yo spine (fishbucket pt.3)
05. vampire weekend - oxford comma
06. TV on the radio - golden age
07. dirty on purpose - audience in the room
08. the raveonettes - blush
09. MGMT - time to pretend
10. adele - make you feel my love
11. ra ra riot - can you tell
12. the jealous girlfriends - i quit
13. eagles of death metal - (i used to couldn't dance) tight pants
14. the knux - F!RE (put it in the air)
15. the hold steady - both crosses
16. kings of leon - crawl
17. fleet foxes - your protector
18. okkervil river - lost coastlines
19. my morning jacket - i'm amazed
20. frightened rabbit - the twist
21. TV on the radio - halfway home
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hike near Pacific Peak, outside Breck
I wasn't able to summit - the route proved trickier than anticipated and I ran out of time (and the weather turned sour) - but it was a great day for a hike! I even found an old mine that if I'd wanted to (and was dumb enough to do it) I could have explored. You could hear water dripping in it and everything.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday 2-fer
Not content to just climb one 14er, Marty and I bagged 2 yesterday - Bierstadt and Evans. We thought we
View all of my pics here
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Let's go buffaloes!
The intro to this years TV broadcast of the Rocky Mountain Showdown (AKA CU's annual a$$kicking of CSU) is being broadcast from the top of the Buffulance AKA our new tailgating vehicle. GO BUFFS!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Last night
It's hard to put into words what it was like in the stadium last night. the TV broadcast did a pretty good job showing the grandeur of the production - I've never seen so many spotlights in my life - but all the trappings were eclipsed by the sense of history being made. Seeing a black man standing on the podium accepting the nomination for president, and with a real chance at winning, made me believe maybe America CAN move past our human failings of the past and CAN continue to be a beacon of hope for the world and CAN solve any problem that is before us. Life can be pretty overwhelming and the thought of what lies ahead can be daunting but I love the message of dreaming big and finding a way - America is a place where anything is possible with hope, faith and hard work.
There were literally waves of energy rolling through the crowd all night. It was truly incredible.
There were literally waves of energy rolling through the crowd all night. It was truly incredible.
btw what was with the music at the end of the speech?
what you heard on TV was what we heard in the stadium. it was really odd. way too over the top. It was like they had something picked out and hit the wrong track on the CD.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
What an amazing night. finally home after a couple drinks with Erin and Clara at the Cruise Room after the speech. I'll write more tomorrow when I've got my head together better.
Man this guy can talk. It was louder than a broncos game in here when he accepted the nomination.
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Best line of the night
Random guy from Indiana named Barney Smith talking about why he's voting Obama :
'I want a president who puts Barney Smith before Smith Barney'
Guy got a standing O. Hilarious. Crowd was chanting 'Barney! Barney!' And everything.
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The setup
Those of you watching on TV might be getting lots of cool facts about the setup here. We are not getting any of those but I will tell you its incredible. I can't imagine what went into putting this all together but I REALLY can't imagine how they'll get this all torn down in 48 hours for the CU game.
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Union guy
Pro union guy talking about unions. Not a fan of the whole union thing. This is when I'd go grab a beer, if of course they were selling beer. You'd think they could have made some good money to help pay for this gig.
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The weather
Just to reiterate about the weather - this is the only night this summer (the concert at red rocks was the other one) where there isn't a cloud in the sky. The temp is low 70s and there's a slight breeze. Nights like this get people to move to CO permanently. :)
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Sen. Biden
Big welcome for him. Camera bulbs starting to go off because its twilight - its really a perfect evening. The air is almost electric (sorry for the cliche but there's a lot of that going around. Its a convention after all :)
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Smooth music in the house!
Michael freaking McDonald...let's sail away on the smooth sounds of 'America the Beautiful'! Its no Ray Charles but it'll do. If he plays 'what a fool believes' I'll just die. :). Keep the fire Mike...
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Al gore
Some good one liners from the former VP and a massive standing O (as you might expect in this situation). I haven't heard him speak much before but he's talking pretty fast tonight. Slow down Al!
Its one big party here...
Save for the fact that there's no beer sales. :( people were really fired up when Cheryl crow and Stevie wonder came out but gov. Richardson drew the biggest applause so far. Although now that I typed that, Stevie is playing 'signed sealed delivered' and the crowd's going nuts.
Also, all 70,000 people must be doing what I'm doing right now because email/internet has been real spotty.
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My battery died
I was on my phone literally all day and then left for this and of course my phone was out of power and died. Luckily Erin has plenty of juice left if hers so you won't be without this riveting play by play analysis. :)
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Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Will we ever get there?
Sitting (standing actually) on a bus waiting to get through traffic downtown. Its pretty stacked up - we're around 15th and wazee - nowhere near Invesco yet. Talking with Erin and Clara (our wonderful friend who sorted us out on the cred's) and enjoying it knowing that we'll be there soon enough! Our badges are supposed to get us on the 1st level too. Hope that's true!
Headed to Invesco....
A friend just called with 2 extra VIP credentials for Obama's speech at Invesco tonight - so Erin and I are headed out! watch for more updates tonight.....pretty cool to be a part of history being made!
Monday, August 25, 2008
A perfect night at Red Rocks.....
I had to share this view we had on the most perfect night for a concert. Red Rocks is a magical place inn any case but tonight was exceptional! If you haven't checked out My Morning Jacket you don't know what you're misssing! Black Keys played an awesome opening set too.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
It begins.....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I guess you could say I have the bug....just 2 weeks after climbing my first 14'er (and really, my first mountain of any real significance) I summited Hauge's Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park on Saturday with my friends Steve and Marty (l to r in the group photo). Don't be fooled by the mid-13K elevation - this is no 'walk in the park' (well, techically I guess it is) as it is ~15 miles round trip and a punishing 5,000 feet of vertical (up, and then down again!). The physical exercise, the fresh air, the mind-boggling natural beauty, and especially the reward of reaching the summit make all the aches and pains I'm feeling today well worth it. The last 1000 feet or so of the ascent was a lot more work (and a little hairier) than we'd expected; but I'll never forget pulling myself over the edge and onto the top of the mountain - what a feeling!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
It may not technically be the 'roof of the world' but it sure feels like it at 14,271 ft above sea level! Depsite having spent all but 2.5 years of my life in CO, I have never climbed, hiked, or otherwise ascended a 14'er. That streak ended today when I climbed Quandary Peak outside of Breckenridge, thus accomplishing one of the goals I set for myself this summer and affording me an awe-inspiring view. Class 1 (read: least technically demanding) rating to the contrary, this was still a pretty physically demanding hike and I was glad I'm in pretty good shape already. Even so I was stopping every 30 or 40 steps for the last hundred yards or so but MAN was it amazing once we got up to the top! We hung out with a family of goats who were munching on some vegetation (what little there is 3000 feet above timberline), ate some lunch and then high-tailed it back down once the weather turned. I've definitely got the bug now - I'm already thinking of my next ascent!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
More music
Wow, a post every 4 1/2 months; I am ON FIRE.
This year I'm trying to keep track of my favorite new bands/albums as I go rather than wait till the end of the year (and inevitably forgetting about some). Here's what's been doing it for me through the first 4 1/2 months of 2008 - rather than review each one (things are pretty busy around here!), I linked them to Amazon or emusic so you can hear them for yourself. It's well worth the time!
Black Mountain - In the Future
The Ravonettes - Lust Lust Lust
Pete and the Pirates - Little Death
The Whitsundays - The Whitsundays
Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks - Real Emotional Trash
The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely
Eric Lau - New Territories
Black Keys - Attack & Release
Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight
MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
Foals - Antidotes
Panic at the Disco - Pretty. Odd.
Hysterics - Hysterics
This year I'm trying to keep track of my favorite new bands/albums as I go rather than wait till the end of the year (and inevitably forgetting about some). Here's what's been doing it for me through the first 4 1/2 months of 2008 - rather than review each one (things are pretty busy around here!), I linked them to Amazon or emusic so you can hear them for yourself. It's well worth the time!
Black Mountain - In the Future
The Ravonettes - Lust Lust Lust
Pete and the Pirates - Little Death
The Whitsundays - The Whitsundays
Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks - Real Emotional Trash
The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely
Eric Lau - New Territories
Black Keys - Attack & Release
Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight
MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
Foals - Antidotes
Panic at the Disco - Pretty. Odd.
Hysterics - Hysterics
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
New Year, New List
I know I have been a total slacker about updating this thing, and after all that talk about how I was going to mobile blog whatever came into my head, wine food music blah blah blah....and then it turned out that my wife was the one to actually follow through on that (read hers here). Well, I'm going to be better this year. Really. Or maybe not, we'll see. In the meantime, here's my list of essential albums from 2007 (Bon Savants was actually mid-Dec 2006 but I'm not letting 2 weeks stop it from getting in. It's my list so I make the rules).
This is the list I've been keeping. Tier I is sort of a "damn this CD is good and indispensible; I can't imagine not having that album" Tier 2 has some albums that in theory might end up in that level but probably not, but I still really liked them.
There's also a couple other albums from 2007 I picked up today on emusic but they're on the quiet/mellow side and hard to tell if I like them at work volumes. Have to have a run on the headphones to figure those out but whatever; this list is already long enough.....
My favorite album by a mile:
The National - Boxer
Tier I
Interpol - Our Love to Admire
Film School - Hideout
Sloan - Never Hear the End of It
BRMC - Baby 81
The Shins - Wincing the Night Away
The Cave Singers - Invitation Songs
Yeasayer - All Hour Cymbals
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Black Lips - Good Bad Not Evil
Matthew Dear - Asa Breed
Tinariwen - Aman Iman: Water is Life
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Oxford Collapse - A Good Ground
Warm in the Wake - American Prehistoric
Tier 2
The Ponys - Turn the Lights Out
Celebration - The Modern Tribe
White Stripes - Icky Thump
Emma Pollock - watch the fireworks
MIA - Kala
Rebekah Higgs - Rebekah Higgs
Devendra Banhart - Smokey Rolls Down the Mountain
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Caribou - Andorra
Bon Savants - Post Rock Defends the Nation
The Rakes - Ten New Messages
The Mother Hips - Kiss the Crystal Flake
Kathy Diamond - Miss Diamond to You
Panda Bear - Person Pitch
Caribou - Andorra
Thurston Moore - Trees Outside the Acadamy
Pela - Anytown Graffiti
International Karate - More of what we've heard before
I felt like this was overall a really good year for music. Felt like Indie has started to permeate the mainstream a bit too which can't be a bad thing. I've also noticed a lot of world/int'l styles creeping into otherwise 'normal' music and other genre-blurring, as well as a return to a 60's and 70's classic rock sound that is hitting a great note.
This is the list I've been keeping. Tier I is sort of a "damn this CD is good and indispensible; I can't imagine not having that album" Tier 2 has some albums that in theory might end up in that level but probably not, but I still really liked them.
There's also a couple other albums from 2007 I picked up today on emusic but they're on the quiet/mellow side and hard to tell if I like them at work volumes. Have to have a run on the headphones to figure those out but whatever; this list is already long enough.....
My favorite album by a mile:
The National - Boxer
Tier I
Interpol - Our Love to Admire
Film School - Hideout
Sloan - Never Hear the End of It
BRMC - Baby 81
The Shins - Wincing the Night Away
The Cave Singers - Invitation Songs
Yeasayer - All Hour Cymbals
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Black Lips - Good Bad Not Evil
Matthew Dear - Asa Breed
Tinariwen - Aman Iman: Water is Life
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Oxford Collapse - A Good Ground
Warm in the Wake - American Prehistoric
Tier 2
The Ponys - Turn the Lights Out
Celebration - The Modern Tribe
White Stripes - Icky Thump
Emma Pollock - watch the fireworks
MIA - Kala
Rebekah Higgs - Rebekah Higgs
Devendra Banhart - Smokey Rolls Down the Mountain
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Caribou - Andorra
Bon Savants - Post Rock Defends the Nation
The Rakes - Ten New Messages
The Mother Hips - Kiss the Crystal Flake
Kathy Diamond - Miss Diamond to You
Panda Bear - Person Pitch
Caribou - Andorra
Thurston Moore - Trees Outside the Acadamy
Pela - Anytown Graffiti
International Karate - More of what we've heard before
I felt like this was overall a really good year for music. Felt like Indie has started to permeate the mainstream a bit too which can't be a bad thing. I've also noticed a lot of world/int'l styles creeping into otherwise 'normal' music and other genre-blurring, as well as a return to a 60's and 70's classic rock sound that is hitting a great note.
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